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digital amplifier中文是什么意思

用"digital amplifier"造句"digital amplifier"怎么读"digital amplifier" in a sentence


  • 数字放大器
  • 数字式功率放大器


  • Digital amplifier led 5 - digit
  • Vda variable digital amplifier
  • Tecsis digital amplifiers
  • The newest digital amplifier technique is mentioned while introducing the structure of digital audio system
  • Compared with analog power amplifier , digital amplifier has many advantages , such as hi - fi , high efficiency , good match between amplifier and loudhailer , easy update , convenient debugging and so on . and it can process not only digital audio signal but also analog signal . accordingly , it faces a vast market
  • In the design , new research and technology are learned about , two modulation ways , pwm and sigma - delta , which can be used to develop digital amplifiers are compared , and theories about 1 - bit technology are studied . then , according to the simulation by matlab , factors which influence system function and parameters which control the work of parts are discussed
    该课题研究了当今数字功率放大器的发展动态以及相关的技术原理,比较了用于实现数字功放的两种主要方式: pwm和sigma - delta调制方式,结合matlab仿真提出了系统中各模块需要的基本参数、影响系统性能的相关因素。
  • This digital amplifier made up of a digital inverter can implement the sine voltage signal ' s power amplifying based on the digital signal processor . with the high processing ability of dsp , the advanced digital control arithmetic can be realized in the software . also the feasible and effective technique for the time delay compensation of digital control can be achieved
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